Who are we?

Spectral Oracle is a paranormal investigation group that offers a variety of services ranging from personal house investigations, to ghost tours at popular haunted locations. We aim to reduce any stress the supernatural entities in your life may cause, and answer any questions that cause speculations.

Personal Home Visit

Our home visit paranormal investigation includes a single night visit and an in-depth analysis of the results. We set up several cameras around the most active parts of the house and use EMF detectors, thermal imaging and voice recording. During the visit there is a possibility of using our shadow box, a radio used to contact and hear spirits messages.

Medium Reading

There are a variety of options for our medium readings, including but not limited to private readings, group readings, phone readings, single question readings, video chat readings and special event readings. Our medium will connect to you to help you contact loved ones that may have passed over, or help you overcome a current barrier in your life. For legal reasons— all readings should be considered for the purpose of entertainment.

Haunted Tours

Haunted tours are offered once every week. Bring a group of your friends and learn about your local haunted buildings and cemeteries! Locations of tours may change based on weather conditions or accessibility. Reservations in advance are required and spots are limited.


Are ghosts real?

The existence of the paranormal has always been a question on people’s minds. We have all tried to persuade ourselves that the noises in the night are not real, but after capture the evidence for ourselves, we have no choice but the believe that there is some sort of supernatural presence around us.

What even is a ghost?

There's many different definitions, but one thing we have to remember is to not mix Hollywood's fictional view of ghosts with the logical. We believe a ghost is the energy and spirit (or soul) of a person who has passed away and is either stuck between the veils of existence, unable to cross over, or have chosen to stay on our level of existence by choice. The reasons why (or how) ghosts are here truly remains a mystery. The best we can do is make educated guesses and well-formed opinions based on years of researched information and documented evidence.

My house is haunted, what do I do?

The first step is to really analyze the situation yourself. Think about all the things that you feel are happening and try to determine if any could possibly be caused by nature or human interaction. If there's anything that you can rule as a natural occurrence then you should rule that phenomena out. What you want to look for are the things that are truly unexplainable. There are sure signs of a haunting, such as objects being moved, voices, clouds or mist, physical interaction and apparitions. If you truly feel your home is experiencing paranormal phenomena, then evaluate that phenomena. You need to decide if it's something you can live with. If so, and if the haunting seems to be harmless, then you should probably do nothing. Just live with the experiences and accept them. If you're experiencing something frightening or possibly something evil, or if it's a situation that you simply can't live with, then you need to contact a paranormal investigation group or investigator, like us.

What is a certified ghost hunter?

The title of a “certified ghost hunter” is fictional. While there are investigators, like our team, that have received specialized training from paranormal courses that teach the proper use of our equipment and evidence evaluation, there are many fake investigators out there that will state that they are “certified.” There are no actual accredited paranormal courses, which means that there is no real certification that investigators can recieve.
As well, the term “ghost hunter” is often used by novices entering the field. Professionals will always use the terms “paranormal investigator” or “Paranormal Researcher”. Although we use these titles, this does not mean any group who claims they are certified are not professional, they very well could be. Different groups have different ways of conducting their investigations.

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